Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!!

Sorry for the delay on posts, I've been out of town for the past 2 weeks. Back at home where my sister became a Mommy for the first time to my little nephew, Dean! Congrats to Becky and Mike on your little blessing! We are SO excited to welcome Dean to our family! He is the definition of perfection! Love you all!!!

Next up, Happy Mothers Day to my mom! The worlds best! I know people say that all the time about their mom, but I can say that about mine in all sincerity. My mom is the most hard working woman I have ever met in my life. Through thick and thin she has kept a smile on her face (which im sure was most of the time for the sake of me and my siblings!) She has been our rock and our inspiration through every stage of our lives. Without her, I know I wouldn't have had the confidence to pursue my dreams, but knowing I have her on my side at ALL times has helped me become the strong person I am today!

She has supported me through everything, whether it was; softball, basketball, volleyball ,my dreaded day-long irish dance competitions, or moving from home to California, back home, then out to New York. She has been my number 1 fan!

Most importantly, she has raised a family with a bond like no other. Even through the roughest of times, she has made sure that all of us are happy and there for each other. I can say truthfully that I have NEVER met a family with a bond like The Vacco's! We love you, mom!!!!!

Words and thanks can't say enough about my mom. She is so wonderful and so amazing. I am the luckiest daughter in the universe to have her and to watch first hand the example she has set for us. I love you, mommyo! You are my life!

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