Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Always Keep Your Dreams Alive!

This post is kind of a follow up of "finding balance," my last post. This is about finding where you belong and embracing it.

We all look for happiness, but the reality of it is, happiness should find us. It finds us when we are content being who we are, its when we are comfortable enough in our own skin to do our own thing- to live our life worry-free of what others think of us. To do what makes US happy.

I can say, for myself, I've always been happy with the person I am, its something I owe to my family, for making me believe in myself, and the beauty of my dreams. Making me feel like no matter what I do, I have worth. I have been a lot of places in the past few years- mentally and physically. I think about where I was 3 years ago when I moved to Los Angeles, and where I am, today, in New York, looking to turn the page of the next chapter in my life. Every day of the past few years has taught me more about what I want out of life, what I need out of life and most importantly, what i deserve.

What I've learned over the past 3 years is that sometimes hard work is noticed, sometimes it isn't. Regardless, never let that change how hard you work. Someday, someone will notice your hard work and drive and give you a chance.

Never change who you are for someone else. You are yourself; unique and beautiful. Nobody should ever tell you your not good enough, and if they do, chances are they are just miserable in their own skin that they have to put other people down. Feel bad for them, and hope that one day they find their calling.

Take time to just enjoy where your at, enjoy how far you've come and enjoy the beauty of living.

Dream big, dream huge...whatever you do, don't give up on your dreams!

Do your best, day in and day out. Don't take any moment for granted. Work hard, stay happy and breathe in fresh air.

One more final thought-don't ever get too comfortable in your everyday life that you forget what your real dreams and goals are. Continue to dream and persevere every single day, and you can't go wrong.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finding Balance-

For anyone who knows me, you know I dream big...Okay, maybe big isn't the word...Huge. I've always been a dreamer, but now more than ever. Things are within my reach that I couldn't have even imagined a few weeks, months or even days ago. Some of these things aren't what I would have ever expected- but they're what I needed. The simplicity of combining your dreams with your realities. Finding Balance. Life moves fast, it doesn't stop for anyone or anything, so that's why it is important and up to us to find the balance between what we want, and what we deserve.

We have to find balance in our everyday lives; balance between work and fun, between eating healthy but giving our body what we want, between accepting and not giving up. More than we realize, we have to find balance.

One thing we should never have to second guess, though, is our happiness. So what makes you happy? Is it your career? Your family? A hobby? Just like this- we should all be able to find balance between life and living.

The difference is life is what we are given, it is a gift. Living, however, is what we make of our lives. Life is something we should never take for granted, that's something we have been told all of our lives, but another thing we should never take for granted is doing what makes us happy.

Just a little note to remind you that your life IS worth living! So go ahead and do something for yourself today, big or small, appreciate the life you have been given, and realize that you are worth something great!

You're in control of your destiny!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Por que, Jorge?

A simple question all of us Yankees fans have been asking ourselves since last night, "why?" Why would Jorge, a yankees star in his own right, a fan favorite and a 13 season Yankee starter, decide an hour before game time to take himself out of the line-up as a DH for no known reason? It's a tough thought for all of us to process when we think about the Yankees without Jorge, but Jorge hasn't even mentioned retiring, so why?

After being the Yankees starting catcher for so long, to only being able to DH, to being told your batting 9th? I'm sure it stings Jorge. It can't feel good. Which may be the reason he decided to "clear his head" last night. Which I believe was a good decision, however, a good decision that should have been made clear the night before the game and not an hour before game time. The major thing rubbing me the wrong way in this situation is that he didn't "take himself out of the lineup" until he was told he was batting 9th. Isn't baseball a TEAM sport? Every spot on that batting order counts, especially against the Red Sox.

Google News "Jorge Posada" today and read all of the 'he-said, she-said' comments made and thrown around since last night, in reality none of us know exactly what goes on behind closed clubhouse doors.

So here's just my opinion, I love Jorge, he, in my eyes, has always been one of my favorite players- hes been consistent (OK, well, up until last year) hes played through pain, hes been a part of the core-four and he has always been a stand-out man, are we really going to throw all of that away on one stupid decision? I would hope not, his decision last night effects his FUTURE with the Yankees, not his PAST.

I'll be back with more on this when more comes of it...until then, please feel free to leave your opinions and comments!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Classless Exit for Jackson, L.A. Lakers.

(I'm going to start this off with stating that I am, indeed, a Lakers fan, so I'm writing this in all honesty of how I saw this game Sunday.)

Who knew such big men could act like such little babies? Since when are flagrant fouls (not to mention 1 minute apart from each other) an acceptable form of basketball? Well, its not, and I feel like the Lakers got what they deserved Sunday. A game is a game, which ever way you look at it. The reason it's a competitive sport if because noone has the upper hand. We may have had Phil Jackson, who through the years has coached the Chicago Bulls to six titles and the Los Angeles Lakers to five titles, but none of that matters when you hit the court. The Mavs came to win, and winning is what they did. Phil Jackson noted this will be the last game he coaches, after recieving a $35K fine from the NBA for making comments about the refs. I wish I could sit here and get into detail about the game, even the series, but this is what I took away from this series, a bunch of grown men who don't know how to handle losing. It's sad when these multi-million dollar salary players decide to take the low route and exit the game with an ejection because they can't handle losing. Trust me, I give them the benefit of the doubt that it's not easy to lose, let alone by that much and be swept in the series, but with the contract they sign, this isn't just a game, its their CAREER. Kobe Bryant said it simple and best by saying "You don't want to see that. You don't want any of their players getting hurt."

So rest up this off-season, Lakers. I look forward to seeing you next season. (Maybe minus a few of you ;) )

Let's Go Bulls!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!!

Sorry for the delay on posts, I've been out of town for the past 2 weeks. Back at home where my sister became a Mommy for the first time to my little nephew, Dean! Congrats to Becky and Mike on your little blessing! We are SO excited to welcome Dean to our family! He is the definition of perfection! Love you all!!!

Next up, Happy Mothers Day to my mom! The worlds best! I know people say that all the time about their mom, but I can say that about mine in all sincerity. My mom is the most hard working woman I have ever met in my life. Through thick and thin she has kept a smile on her face (which im sure was most of the time for the sake of me and my siblings!) She has been our rock and our inspiration through every stage of our lives. Without her, I know I wouldn't have had the confidence to pursue my dreams, but knowing I have her on my side at ALL times has helped me become the strong person I am today!

She has supported me through everything, whether it was; softball, basketball, volleyball ,my dreaded day-long irish dance competitions, or moving from home to California, back home, then out to New York. She has been my number 1 fan!

Most importantly, she has raised a family with a bond like no other. Even through the roughest of times, she has made sure that all of us are happy and there for each other. I can say truthfully that I have NEVER met a family with a bond like The Vacco's! We love you, mom!!!!!

Words and thanks can't say enough about my mom. She is so wonderful and so amazing. I am the luckiest daughter in the universe to have her and to watch first hand the example she has set for us. I love you, mommyo! You are my life!