Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here weeee go! Opening Day 2011!

"You always get a special kick on opening day, no matter how many you go through. You look forward to it like a birthday party when you're a kid. You think something wonderful is going to happen."-Joe DiMaggio on Opening Day.

Well, it's finally here! The day all of us baseball fans look forward to all winter, Opening Day! It's amazing how, like Mr.DiMaggio says, no matter how many you go through, you always feel the adrenaline rush, every single year. It's proof that no matter how much the ticket prices increase, how much controversy players bring into the season, and no matter how many playoff chances the Chicago Cubs blow, baseball is still and always will be, "America's Pastime." 

It doesn't matter what the stats say about the team you love having no chance, little chance or all the chance in the world to win the World Series, we all go into Opening Day with the mind-set that "this is our year!" Now, being a New York Yankees fan, I know I go into each season looking for the next championship, especially with my favorite players getting closer to retirement each coming season, but today is the day when I can sit back, relax and watch my favorite players take the field to play a game that I learned to love before I even knew how to walk. 

To me, (and hopefully you, too!) baseball is the best sport in the World. It's a sport that brings families and people of all ages together, and hopefully for all of you, Opening Day restores the feeling you used to get as a kid watching baseball, before all the rivalries started. Just a simple, enjoyable adrenaline rush knowing that this is a brand new season and there's always a chance that "your" team will make it all the way this year!

So, cheers to each and every Major League Organization, thank you MLB for giving us all that feeling of pride and hope today. We will hopefully all watch with smiles on our faces, because hey, it's great if we win but if we lose, we've always got the excuse that this was only the first game of the season and we've got PLENTY more to win. ;)

Happy Opening day, everyone! GOOOOOO YANKEES!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Too many thoughts..

11:20 P.M on a Wednesday night and I have one too many thoughts to make an actual 'blog' with, so I'm leaving you all with this...

Go into tomorrow with the knowledge that you are exactly whom you are supposed to be, and give back a little, random acts of kindness mean more than you'll ever know....


Friday, March 18, 2011

World Autism Day!

Just dropping a quick little info. note!

On April 2nd, thousands will celebrate Autism Awareness Day, if you would've asked me last year at this time about Autism, there's not much I would've known. In September, I started nannying for a family of 3 kids, one of which has Autism, I automatically took an interest in learning about Autism and educating myself on it. I can honestly say this kid has impacted my life in so many ways already.

Autism Speaks is helping with making Autism Awareness known by asking everyone to wear blue on April 2nd, I hope you all, too, will help in making the world a little bit more aware of Autism, which affects 1 in 110 children, and 1 in 80 boys.

check out to learn more!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baseball through my eyes.

Some people wonder why I am so passionate about baseball, so I'm posting this entry to give you all an inside look at why I love the sport as much as I do, why it means more than the world to me, and why I decided to dedicate my life to it in hopes of becoming a successful Sports reporter. This entry is one I wrote not too long ago for a contest.

Here it is!

To start this off, my name is Jessica, I'm a 21 year old girl whose biggest passion in life is baseball and my dream in life is to be a field reporter for the New York Yankees. To me, baseball is more than a sport, its a lifestyle. It's America's past time, but for me, it's my families past time, too! I was raised in a family where baseball talk was talk all year round. It was one of  the biggest bonding experiences of my childhood; whether it was playing, watching or conversing about it. Starting from my earliest memories, I remember carrying a baseball around with me basically everywhere I went. I played and kept up with the boys until we got to the age they didn't want me around anymore. Growing up in Chicago and being raised Yankees fans, it gave us such a sense of pride (and I believe it helped me become a the strong woman I am today, trust me, its not easy being a Yankees fan in that town!.)  This may seem like a story that you hear a lot, but mine differs in a very significant way. My dad was the main reason we were raised baseball fanatics. He was an amazing baseball player in his time and he made sure we were raised with knowledge and love for the sport. When I was 12, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. While he was going through treatments and couldn't do much, we would sit together, watch baseball and talk about everything from stats to our favorite players. In this time I spent with my dad, the game became even more important to me than I could've ever imagined. It was what could bond my entire family at even the roughest of times. The last game I got to go to with my dad before he passed away was the last time the Yankees played the Cubs at Wrigley Field. The look and emotion my dad had on his face when we walked into the stadium, and all through the game made me really realize how much this game meant to him. Right then and there I decided that I would carry his passion for the sport we all love out by being the best Sports Reporter I could be. Baseball is the one thing in my life that I can always count on. The butterflies I get every game I watch a game remind me that I am happily carrying out the Vacco Baseball Tradition.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Here goes nothing!

Hi everyone!

To start this out, I figure i'll explain a little bit of what the title means, for those of you who don't know being "on-deck" in baseball is a term used to refer to the next batter up in the inning. So, as my story goes, (we all know my love for baseball) I believe im "on-deck" in the game of life. I'm working my hardest to get where I want to be, and I feel like im the "next batter up."

So, my main reason for writing this blog is just to get a little more experience writing and hopefully informing you all on some cool things going on in my life! 

Next blog up...A trip to the Monster Jam in Baltimore to work a promotion, and an offer to be the first model for "Heart Juice"! Stay tuned!